Friday, March 13, 2015

There is Safety in Following the Prophet

I believe it is important to stay as close to the Sharing Time outline as possible.  That said, I also understand that every primary is different, and sometimes the st outline doesn't have enough info, or it needs a few tweaks for the children in individual wards to best learn. Which is why I am so grateful for the spirit of revelation and the ability to be guided in preparing a lesson that will best teach the children.

I love that the Senior Primary gets the meat and potatoes of the lesson. They are older and can better understand the lesson. At the same time, I love the challenge of simplifying the doctrine so that even the sunbeams can understand it.

"It is true intelligence for a man to take a subject that is mysterious and great in itself, and to unfold and simplify it so that a child can understand it." ~ President John Taylor (Preach My Gospel)

Senior Primary:
I want to begin by talking about an experience I had this week. I had read a blurb where someone had read an Ensign article, seemingly with the intent to find fault with it. And then the discussion in the comments saddened me. Many of the people who commented were obviously atheist, and had a bone to pick with people who believe in religion. It hurt to read all of the anger, hate, or discernible pity for those who took comfort in religion. It was interesting to read, but made me very sad. I took some time to digest and ponder the words I had read, and took note of how I felt. Unsettled, upset, and just yucky in general. So I went to my knees in prayer. I thanked Heavenly Father for the blessing of prayer, and the Spirit, and for the ability to receive answers. I told Him how I was feeling. I told Him of my confusion and sadness.  I was confused for those many people, not me. Confused that the more knowledge people reported to have gained caused such a trial of faith in them. I asked for peace, understanding, and direction. And then I began to focus on my primary lesson. While preparing, I came across a video about Moses which Elder Holland narrates. I watched it, and had a wonderful thought.

If there is a God, as many people claimed there isn't, how would He get the word out? How would He help us to know of Him?

Immediately I had an answer: He would talk to a man, or men, and give them the charge to go and declare to the people the things they had seen and heard. He would ask those men to testify of Him.

He would call a prophet.

A long time ago, God's people were captives. They were slaves to Pharaoh, the king of Egypt, and God told Moses to get the people out of Egypt and to safety. (Usually I like to read directly out of the scriptures and translate the words they don't know, but Exodus 14 has some very tricky language, so I think this time I will just tell the story, and have them read a verse or two is all) I am going to print off the verse portion from Hatch Patch to let the kids see the words, and then we will act them out because any physical activity is welcome, and they will love it.

I will then close by asking them how our Prophet has kept us safe?

Last General Conference he said "As we strive to place Christ at the center of our lives by learning His words, by following His teachings, and by walking in His path, He has promised to share with us the eternal life that He died to gain. There is no higher end than this, that we should choose to accept His discipline and become His disciples and do His work throughout our lives. Nothing else, no other choice we make, can make of us what He can." ~President Thomas S. Monson

I will close by bearing my testimony.

Junior Primary
Have any of you gone for a long drive, or on a trip where you had to drive to get there? Have you noticed the signs on the roads? Why do we have road signs? To warn us of danger, that is right! What do you think would happen if there were no road signs? Utter chaos and bedlam. People would get hurt! The road signs help us know what is ahead in the road, and what we should do to keep safe. Right now, all of us here on earth are on a little trip, and we need to get back to our Heavenly Parents. To help us, Heavenly Father has given us some things to guide us safely back home. One of the things he has given us, is a prophet! He tells the Prophet what we need to do, and then the Prophet tells us what we need to do, and then we do it!

One prophet that Heavenly Father called was Moses...

And I will do the actions to act out the story with the children here, complete with the same word signs used for the Senior Primary.

If there is time after that, I will pass around a blank sheet of paper for them to draw a picture of how they can follow the Prophet.

I will close by sharing my testimony.

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